Here are entered musical works not in a specific form or of a specific type in which the sounds are generated or altered using digital technology --headings for forms and types of music that include "computer" or "computers" and headings with medium of performance that include "computer" or "computers"
Music -- Computer-assisted instruction -- Congresses. : Computer technology and music education : the Australian beginning : proceedings of a symposium entitled "Utilising computer technology for music teaching and learning' held as part of the ANZAAS Festival of Science - 1985 (the fifty-fifth Congress of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science) Monash University, Victoria, August 29, 1985 / editor: Robin S. Stevens
Here are entered works in which the sounds produced were originally recorded from natural sounds and subsequently rearranged or altered. The heading is used as a second heading when the recorded sounds are used with a specifically named medium of performance, e.g. 1. Quintets (Clarinet, flute, harp, viola, cello); 2. Musique concrète
Here are entered works on instrumental conducting or a combination of instrumental and choral conducting. Works on choral conducting are entered under Choral conducting
Music -- Congo (Democratic Republic) -- Drama : La vie est belle = Life is rosy / production, Lamy Films (Bruxelles), Stephan Films (Paris), Sol'oeil Films (Kinshasa), en co-production avec L'O.Z.R.T. Office Zaïrois de Radiodiffusion et de Télévision avec la R.T.B.F. Radio Télévision Belge de la Communauté Française de Belgique ; producteur délégué, Benoit Lamy ; scénario, Ngangura Mweze, Maryse Léon, Benoit Lamy ; réalisation, Benoit Lamy, Ngangura Mwese
Music Copyright Australia Anecdotes : When the writ hits the fan : a 30 year journey through Australia's contemporary music industry with a lawyer who was there / Phil Dwyer ; with Phil Tripp