Muslim scholars -- India -- West Bengal -- Biography : The Muslim heritage of Bengal : the lives, thoughts and achievements of great Muslim scholars, writers and reformers of Bangladesh and West Bengal / Muhammad Mojlum Khan
Muslim scholars -- Indonesia : Religioscapes in Muslim Indonesia : personalities, institutions and practices / Claudia Seise
Muslim scholars -- Interviews : The Qur'an, morality and critical reason : the essential Muhammad Shahrur / translated, edited, and with an introduction by Andreas Christmann
Muslim scholars -- Patani (Kingdom) : Forging Islamic power and place : the legacy of Shaykh Daud bin ʻAbd Allah al-Fatani in Mecca and Southeast Asia / Francis R. Bradley
Muslim scholars -- Sudan : Hasan al-Turabi : Islamist politics and democracy in Sudan / W.J. Berridge, Newcasle University
Muslim scholars -- Turkey : Strategic defamation of Fethullah Gülen : English vs. Turkish / Doğan Koç
Muslim scholars -- Turkey -- Biography : Islam in modern Turkey : an intellectual biography of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi / Şükran Vahide ; edited and with an introduction by Ibrahim M. Abu-Rabiʻ
Muslim scientists -- Asia -- Biography. : History and philosophy of science : proceedings of the International Congress of the History and Philosophy of Science, Islamabad, 8-13 December, 1979 / edited by Hakim Mohammed Said
Muslim soldiers -- United States -- Interviews : Tian Soepangat : U.S. Navy Individual Ready Reserve, U.S. Navy (2008-2013) / Veteran Documentary Corps and El Dorado Films presents ; a David Washburn film ; produced by Daniel Leonard Bernardi ; producers, Daniel Leonard Bernardi, Michael A. Behrens