Nachhaltige Entwicklung -- Telekommunikation. : Computing our way to paradise? : the role of internet and communication technologies in sustainable consumption and globalization / Robert Rattle
Nachhaltige Entwicklung -- Unternehmensführung. : Making sustainability work : best practices in managing and measuring corporate social, environmental and economic impacts / Marc J. Epstein ; with forewords by John Elkington and Herman B. "Dutch" Leonard
Nachhaltige Kapitalanlage : Socially responsible investment and market performance the case of energy and resource firms Janusz Brzeszczyński, Binam Ghimire, Tooraj Jamasb, Graham McIntosh
Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung. : Climate Change, Disaster Risk, and the Urban Poor : Cities Building Resilience for a Changing World / Judy L. Baker, editor
Nachkriegszeit Motiv : Handbuch Nachkriegskultur : Literatur, Sachbuch und Film in Deutschland (1945-1962) / herausgegeben von Elena Agazzi und Erhard Schütz
A member of the NICOTINIC ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR subfamily of the LIGAND-GATED ION CHANNEL family. It consists entirely of pentameric α7 subunits expressed in the CNS, autonomic nervous system, vascular system, lymphocytes and spleen
Nächste-Nachbarn-Problem : Nearest-neighbor methods in learning and vision : theory and practice / edited by Gregory Shakhnarovich, Trevor Darrell, Piotr Indyk