Native plants for cultivation -- Propagation -- Australia -- Congresses. : Proceedings of the Second Australian Native Seed Biology for Revegetation Workshop : 11-12 October 1996 / editors: S.M. Bellairs and J.M. Osborne ; sponsored by: Office of the Supervising Scientist Environment Australia
Native plants for cultivation -- Seeds -- Australia -- Congresses. : Proceedings of the Second Australian Native Seed Biology for Revegetation Workshop : 11-12 October 1996 / editors: S.M. Bellairs and J.M. Osborne ; sponsored by: Office of the Supervising Scientist Environment Australia
Here are entered works on the aboriginal inhabitants either of colonial areas or of modern states where the aboriginal peoples are not in control of the government. General works on the ethnological composition of specific places are entered under Ethnology with local subdivision. Works on a specific indigenous people or group of peoples are entered under the ethnic group, e.g. Navajo Indians
Native races Canada Government relations : The "nations within" : aboriginal-state relations in Canada, the United States, and New Zealand / Augie Fleras, Jean Leonard Elliott
Native races Canada, Québec : Partners in furs : a history of the fur trade in eastern James Bay, 1600-1870 / Daniel Francis and Toby Morantz
Native races Madagascar : Prospero and Caliban : the psychology of colonization / O. Mannoni. Translated by Pamela Powesland. With a foreword by Philip Mason
Native races Malaysia : Pagan races of the Malay Peninsula / by Walter William Skeat and Charles Otto Blagden
Native races Pacific Area Congresses : Indigenous struggle in the Pacific / World Council of Indigenous Peoples Pacific Region Conference, [First Regional Meeting, 25, 26, 27 June, 1984]