Here are entered general works on the application of engineering to ships and their machinery. Works on the engineering aspects of equipment and techniques facilitating operations beneath the surface of the ocean in order to exploit its resources are entered under Ocean engineering
--subdivision History, Naval under names of countries; subdivision History under names of individual navies, e.g. United States. Navy--History; names of naval battles, e.g. Jutland, Battle of, 1916; and names of ships
Naval history -- 16th century : War at sea in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance / edited by John B. Hattendorf and Richard W. Unger
Naval history -- 18th century : Naval Leadership in the Atlantic World : the Age of Reform and Revolution, 1700-1850 / edited by Richard Harding and Agustín Guimerá
Naval history -- 20th century : The sea in history. The modern world = La mer dans l'histoire. La période contemporaine / edited by N.A.M. Rodger ; general editor, Christian Buchet
--subdivision History, Naval under names of countries; subdivision History under names of individual navies, e.g. United States. Navy--History; names of naval battles, e.g. Jutland, Battle of, 1916; and names of ships