Nephrology -- Psychological aspects : Psychonephrology : a guide to principles and practice / Ana Hategan, James A. Bourgeois, Azim S. Gangji, Tricia K.W. Woo, editors
KIDNEY injuries associated with diabetes mellitus and affecting KIDNEY GLOMERULUS; ARTERIOLES; KIDNEY TUBULES; and the interstitium. Clinical signs include persistent PROTEINURIA, from microalbuminuria progressing to ALBUMINURIA of greater than 300 mg/24 h, leading to reduced GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE and END-STAGE RENAL DISEASE
Néphropathies diabétiques -- complications -- Actes de Congrès. : Advanced glycation end-products in nephrology / Meeting on Advanced Glycosylation End Products in Nephrology: Much More Than Diabetic Nephrology, January 14, 2000, Padua, Italy ; volume editors, Angela D'Angelo, Silvana Favaro, Giovanni Gambaro
Néphropathies diabétiques -- complications -- Congrès comme sujet. : Advanced glycation end-products in nephrology / Meeting on Advanced Glycosylation End Products in Nephrology: Much More Than Diabetic Nephrology, January 14, 2000, Padua, Italy ; volume editors, Angela D'Angelo, Silvana Favaro, Giovanni Gambaro
Néphropathies diabétiques -- Congrès. : Advanced glycation end-products in nephrology / Meeting on Advanced Glycosylation End Products in Nephrology: Much More Than Diabetic Nephrology, January 14, 2000, Padua, Italy ; volume editors, Angela D'Angelo, Silvana Favaro, Giovanni Gambaro
A chronic form of glomerulonephritis characterized by deposits of predominantly IMMUNOGLOBULIN A in the mesangial area (GLOMERULAR MESANGIUM). Deposits of COMPLEMENT C3 and IMMUNOGLOBULIN G are also often found. Clinical features may progress from asymptomatic HEMATURIA to END-STAGE KIDNEY DISEASE
KIDNEY injuries associated with diabetes mellitus and affecting KIDNEY GLOMERULUS; ARTERIOLES; KIDNEY TUBULES; and the interstitium. Clinical signs include persistent PROTEINURIA, from microalbuminuria progressing to ALBUMINURIA of greater than 300 mg/24 h, leading to reduced GLOMERULAR FILTRATION RATE and END-STAGE RENAL DISEASE
A chronic form of glomerulonephritis characterized by deposits of predominantly IMMUNOGLOBULIN A in the mesangial area (GLOMERULAR MESANGIUM). Deposits of COMPLEMENT C3 and IMMUNOGLOBULIN G are also often found. Clinical features may progress from asymptomatic HEMATURIA to END-STAGE KIDNEY DISEASE
A condition characterized by severe PROTEINURIA, greater than 3.5 g/day in an average adult. The substantial loss of protein in the urine results in complications such as HYPOPROTEINEMIA; generalized EDEMA; HYPERTENSION; and HYPERLIPIDEMIAS. Diseases associated with nephrotic syndrome generally cause chronic kidney dysfunction