Nervous system -- Diseases -- Developing countries : Neurological, psychiatric, and developmental disorders : meeting the challenge in the developing world / Committee on Nervous System Disorders in Developing Countries, Board on Global Health, Institute of Medicine
Nervous system -- Diseases -- Diagnosis -- Decision making : Neurosurgical diseases : an evidence-based approach to guide practice / [edited by] Leon T. Lai, MBBS, PhD, FRACS, Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery Department of Surgery Monash University; Head of Cerebrovascular Surgery and Skull Base Neurosurgeon Department of Neurosurgery Monash Health, Melbourne, Australia, Cristian Gragnaniello, MD, PdH, Assistant Professor of Neurological Surgery Department of Neurological Surgery University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, USA
Nervous System Diseases -- economics : Financial incentives to encourage development of therapies that address unmet medical needs for nervous system disorders : workshop summary / Sheena M. Posey Norris, Evelyn Strauss, Christopher DeFeo, and Clare Stroud, rapporteurs ; Forum on Neuroscience and Nervous System Disorders, Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies