Inflammation of the optic nerve. Commonly associated conditions include autoimmune disorders such as MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, infections, and granulomatous diseases. Clinical features include retro-orbital pain that is aggravated by eye movement, loss of color vision, and contrast sensitivity that may progress to severe visual loss, an afferent pupillary defect (Marcus-Gunn pupil), and in some instances optic disc hyperemia and swelling. Inflammation may occur in the portion of the nerve within the globe (neuropapillitis or anterior optic neuritis) or the portion behind the globe (retrobulbar neuritis or posterior optic neuritis)
An octanoic acid bridged with two sulfurs so that it is sometimes also called a pentanoic acid in some naming schemes. It is biosynthesized by cleavage of LINOLEIC ACID and is a coenzyme of oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (KETOGLUTARATE DEHYDROGENASE COMPLEX). It is used in DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS
Here are entered works on marketing based on research that uses neuroscience technologies, such as magnetic resonance imaging, to measure the brain's responses to advertising, brand-related messages, and other marketing stimuli
Neuroanatomy -- Popular works : Beyond the zonules of Zinn : a fantastic journey through your brain / David Bainbridge
Neuroanatomy -- Research -- Methodology : Neuroanatomical tract-tracing 3 : molecules, neurons, and systems / edited by Laszlo Zaborszky, Floris G. Wouterlood, José Luis Lanciego
Neuroanatomy -- Study guides : Medical neuroanatomy for the Boards and the clinic : finding the lesion / Jonathan Leo
Neuroanatomy -- Terminology : Neuroanatomical terminology : a lexicon of classical origins and historical foundations / Larry W. Swanson, PhD, University Professor and Appleman Professor of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles
Disorders of one or more of the twelve cranial nerves. With the exception of the optic and olfactory nerves, this includes disorders of the brain stem nuclei from which the cranial nerves originate or terminate
Neuroästhetik : The aesthetic brain : how we evolved to desire beauty and enjoy art / Anjan Chatterjee
Neurobehavioral disorder : Neurobehavioural disability and social handicap following traumatic brain injury / edited by R. Ll. Wood and T.M. McMillan
Neurobehavioral disorders -- See Also the narrower term Dementia