Nigeria Social integration : National integration and rotational presidency in Nigeria : setting the 'rules' of integration in a plural state / Olumuyiwa Temitope Faluyi
Nigeria Social media Internet marketing : Indomie noodles in Africa : lessons on digital and cultural branding / Uchenna Uzo, (Lagos Business School, Pan-Atlantic University, Lagos, Nigeria), and Louis Nzegwu, (University of WisconsinPlatteville, Platteville, Wisconsin, USA)
Nigeria -- Social policy -- 20th century : When sex threatened the state : illicit sexuality, nationalism, and politics in colonial Nigeria, 1900-1958 / Saheed Aderinto
Nigeria Social sciences Case studies : Navigating multidisciplinary demands to produce an interdisciplinary mixed-methods research on generalized trust in fragile states / Anthony Caito
Nigeria -- Sokoto State : From rebels to rulers : writing legitimacy in the early Sokoto state / Paul Naylor
Nigeria South Africa Commerce Congresses : The eagle and the springbok : strengthening the Nigeria/South Africa relationship / rapporteurs, Dawn Nagar and Mark Paterson
Nigeria, South-Eastern -- Economic policy : First state development plan, 1970-74 / South-Eastern State of Nigeria, Ministry of Economic Development and Reconstruction
Nigeria, South-Eastern -- Social policy : First state development plan, 1970-74 / South-Eastern State of Nigeria, Ministry of Economic Development and Reconstruction
Nigeria, Southwest Sacred space : Ori-Oke spirituality and social change in Africa : contemporary perspectives / edited by Soede Nathanael Yaovi [and four others]