Nitze, Paul H., 1907-2004. : America's cold warrior : Paul Nitze and national security from Roosevelt to Reagan / James Graham Wilson
Nitze, Paul Henry, 1907-2004. : From Hiroshima to glasnost : at the center of decision : a memoir / Paul H. Nitze with Ann M. Smith and Steven L. Rearden
Nʹi︠u︡-Ĭorksʹka hrupa. / : Literature, exile, alterity : the New York Group of Ukrainian poets / Maria G. Rewakowicz
The collective name for the islands of the central Pacific Ocean, including the Austral Islands, Cook Islands, Easter Island, HAWAII; NEW ZEALAND; Phoenix Islands, PITCAIRN ISLAND; SAMOA; TONGA; Tuamotu Archipelago, Wake Island, and Wallis and Futuna Islands. Polynesians are of the Caucasoid race, but many are of mixed origin. Polynesia is from the Greek poly, many + nesos, island, with reference to the many islands in the group. (From Webster's New Geographical Dictionary, 1988, p966 & Room, Brewer's Dictionary of Names, 1992, p426)
Niue Birds : The bird fauna of Niue Island, South-West Pacific : with special notes on the White-Tailed Tropic Bird and Golden Plover / by F.C. Kinsky and J. C. Yaldwyn
Niue Golden plovers : The bird fauna of Niue Island, South-West Pacific : with special notes on the White-Tailed Tropic Bird and Golden Plover / by F.C. Kinsky and J. C. Yaldwyn
Niue -- History : Niue 1774-1974 : 200 years of contact and change / Margaret Pointer
Niue Island, New Zealand Birds : The bird fauna of Niue Island, South-West Pacific : with special notes on the White-Tailed Tropic Bird and Golden Plover / by F.C. Kinsky and J. C. Yaldwyn
Niue Pacific golden plover : The bird fauna of Niue Island, South-West Pacific : with special notes on the White-Tailed Tropic Bird and Golden Plover / by F.C. Kinsky and J. C. Yaldwyn
Niue Transparency in government : Global forum on transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes peer reviews: Niue 2012 : phase 1
Niue White-tailed tropic bird : The bird fauna of Niue Island, South-West Pacific : with special notes on the White-Tailed Tropic Bird and Golden Plover / by F.C. Kinsky and J. C. Yaldwyn
Niuean language. : Niuean : predicates and arguments in an isolating language / Diane Massam