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Book Cover
Author Mearns, Dave, author

Title Person-centred counselling in action / Dave Mearns and Brian Thorne with John McLeod
Edition Fourth edition
Published London : Sage, 2013
Thousand Oaks, California : Sage Publications Inc., [2013]


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
Description xi, 228 pages ; 23 cm
Series Counselling in action
Contents 1. Basic theory of the person-centred approach -- 2. Recent developments in person-centred theory -- 3. The counsellor's use of the self -- 4. Empathy -- 5. Unconditional positive regard -- 6. Congruence -- 7. ̀Beginnings' -- 8. ̀Middles' -- 9. ̀Endings' -- 10. Research on person-centred counselling
Summary Publisher's description: This important Fourth Edition maintains the book's accessibility, clarity and verve whilst incorporating new developments in the approach. John McLeod joins authors Dave Mearns and Brian Thorne to contribute an exciting new chapter on research relevant to the person-centred field
Notes Previous edition, 2007
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Subject Person-Centered Therapy
Client-centered psychotherapy
Nondirective Therapy
Person-Centered Psychotherapy
Counseling -- methods
Author Thorne, Brian, 1937-, author
McLeod, John, 1951-, author
LC no. 2012939735
ISBN 9781446252529 (hbk.)
9781446252536 (pbk.)
1446252523 (hbk.)
1446252531 (pbk.)
Other Titles Person-centered counselling in action