North America Stock exchanges : NAFTA stock markets : dynamic return and volatility linkages / Giorgio Canarella, Stephen M. Miller and Stephen K. Pollard
North America Storm petrels Identification : Petrels, albatrosses, and storm-petrels of North America : a photographic guide / Steve N.G. Howell ; in collaboration with J. Brian Patteson, Kate Sutherland and Debra L. Shearwater
North America Stress management : Handbook of multicultural perspectives on stress and coping / edited by Paul T.P. Wong, Lilian C.J. Wong ; foreword by Walter J. Lonner
North America Sturgeons : Sturgeons and Paddlefish of North America / edited by Greg T.O. LeBreton, F. William H. Beamish and R. Scott McKinley
North America Substance abuse : Handbook of child and adolescent drug and substance abuse : pharmacological, developmental, and clinical considerations / Louis A. Pagliaro and Ann Marie Pagliaro
North America Suriname Commerce : White lies and black markets : evading metropolitan authority in colonial Suriname, 1650-1800 / by Karwan Fatah-Black
North America Sustainable development Law and legislation : NAFTA and sustainable development : history, experience, and prospects for reform / edited by Hoi L. Kong, McGill University ; L. Kinvin Wroth, University of Vermont Law School
North America Sustainable fisheries Congresses : Sustainable management of North American fisheries : proceedings of the Symposium Fisheries sustainability in North America, held in Phoenix, Arizona, 22-23 August 2001 / edited by E. Eric Knudsen, Donald D. MacDonald, Yvonne K. Muirhead
North America Symbolism in art Encyclopedias : The Continuum encyclopedia of native art : worldview, symbolism, and culture in Africa, Oceania, and North America / Hope B. Werness ; line drawings by Joanne H. Benedict, Tiffany Ramsay-Lozano, and Hope B. Werness ; maps by Scott Thomas
North America Syrphidae : Field Guide to the Flower Flies of Northeastern North America / Jeffrey H. Skevington [and five others]
North America Taiga ecology : Boreal Birds of North America : a Hemispheric View of Their Conservation Links and Significance / Jeffrey V. Wells, editor
North America Tattooing History : Drawing with great needles : ancient tattoo traditions of North America / edited by Aaron Deter-Wolf and Carol Diaz-Granados
North America Taxation : The tax system in industrialized countries / edited by Ken Messere