North Atlantic Ocean Steamboats History : The Battle for the Migrants : the Introduction of Steamshipping on the North Atlantic and its Impact on the European Exodus / Torsten Feys
North Atlantic Ocean Sustainable fisheries : Making fisheries management work : implementation of politics for sustainable fishing / edited by Stig S. Gezelius and Jesper Raakjær
North Atlantic Ocean Walrus Climatic factors : The Atlantic walrus : biological, historical, and indigenous insights into species-human interactions / edited by Xenia Weber, Morton Tange Olsen, Peter Jordan, Sean P.A. Desjardins
North Atlantic Ocean Walrus Effect of human beings on : The Atlantic walrus : biological, historical, and indigenous insights into species-human interactions / edited by Xenia Weber, Morton Tange Olsen, Peter Jordan, Sean P.A. Desjardins
North Atlantic Ocean War games : Forgotten waters : minding the GIUK gap : a tabletop exercise / Julianne Smith and Jerry Hendrix ; foreword by Robert D. Kaplan
North Atlantic oscillation. : Hydrological, socioeconomic and ecological impacts of the North Atlantic oscillation in the Mediterranean Region / Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano, Ricardo M. Trigo, editors
North Atlantic Region Civilization, Viking : Textiles of the Viking North Atlantic : analysis, interpretation, re-creation / edited by Alexandra Lester-Makin, Michele Hayeur Smith, Gale R. Owen-Crocker
North Atlantic Region Community development Congresses : Community Development on the North Atlantic Margin : Selected Contributions to the Fifteenth International Seminar on Marginal Regions / editors, Byron, Reginald
North Atlantic Region -- Discovery and exploration : The voyages of the Venetian brothers, Nicolò & Antonio Zeno, to the northern seas in the XIVth Century : comprising the latest known accounts of the lost colony of Greenland, and of the northmen in America before Columbus / edited by Richard Henry Major
North Atlantic Region Dreams History 16th century : Dreams, dreamers, and visions : the early modern Atlantic world / edited by Ann Marie Plane and Leslie Tuttle ; foreword by Anthony F.C. Wallace
North Atlantic Region Dreams History 17th century : Dreams, dreamers, and visions : the early modern Atlantic world / edited by Ann Marie Plane and Leslie Tuttle ; foreword by Anthony F.C. Wallace
North Atlantic Region Dreams History 18th century : Dreams, dreamers, and visions : the early modern Atlantic world / edited by Ann Marie Plane and Leslie Tuttle ; foreword by Anthony F.C. Wallace
North Atlantic Region -- Economic conditions -- Congresses : Local enterprise on the North Atlantic Margin : selected contributions to the Fourteenth International Seminar on Marginal Regions / edited by Reginald Byron and John Hutson