Nuclear crisis control -- Planning -- Congresses : Debris impact on emergency coolant recirculation : workshop proceedings, Albuquerque, NM, United States, 25-27 February 2004 : a joint report / by the NEA Committee on Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI) and the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
The spontaneous transformation of a nuclide into one or more different nuclides, accompanied by either the emission of particles from the nucleus, nuclear capture or ejection of orbital electrons, or fission. (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 6th ed)
Nuclear disarmament -- Argentina : Desarme nuclear : regímenes internacional, latinoaméricano y argentino de no proliferación / Marcelo F. Valle Fonrouge
Nuclear disarmament -- Belarus : Denuklearizace Ukrajiny, Běloruska a Kazachstánu / PhDr. Jan Sír, Ph. D. ; recenzovali, PhDr. Petr Suchý, Ph. D., Mgr. Tomás Smíd, Ph. D
nuclear disarmament Brazil : Brazil, Japan, and Turkey With articles by Marcos C. de Azambuja, Matake Kamiya, Henri J. Barkey ; Edited by Barry M. Blechman
Nuclear disarmament -- Canada : Pearson and Canada's role in nuclear disarmament and arms control negotiations, 1945-1957 / Joseph Levitt
Nuclear disarmament -- Europe. : The most dangerous decade : world militarism and the new non-aligned peace movement / Ken Coates
Nuclear disarmament -- Europe -- History -- 20th century : The nuclear crisis : the arms race, Cold War anxiety, and the German peace movement of the 1980s / edited by Christoph Becker-Schaum, Philipp Gassert, Martin Klimke, Wilfried Mausbach, and Marianne Zepp