Nuclear warships -- Accidents. : Visits to Australia by nuclear powered or armed vessels : contingency planning for the accidental release of ionizing radiation / the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Nuclear warships -- Accidents -- Australia. : Visits to Australia by nuclear powered or armed vessels : contingency planning for the accidental release of ionizing radiation / the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Nuclear warships -- Australia -- Safety measures. : Visits to Australia by nuclear powered or armed vessels : contingency planning for the accidental release of ionizing radiation / the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Nuclear warships -- Environmental aspects -- Australia. : Visits to Australia by nuclear powered or armed vessels : contingency planning for the accidental release of ionizing radiation / the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Nuclear warships -- Government policy -- Australia. : Visits to Australia by nuclear powered or armed vessels : contingency planning for the accidental release of ionizing radiation / the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
Nuclear warships -- Safety measures : Against the tide : Rickover's leadership principles and the rise of the nuclear Navy / Rear Admiral Dave Oliver, USN (Ret.)
Liquid, solid, or gaseous waste resulting from mining of radioactive ore, production of reactor fuel materials, reactor operation, processing of irradiated reactor fuels, and related operations, and from use of radioactive materials in research, industry, and medicine. (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
Here are entered works on international control over the transfer and use of nuclear equipment, material, and technology, aimed at preventing the spread of nuclear explosive capability
Nuclear-weapon-free zones -- ASEAN countries : ASEAN, the Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone and the challenge of denuclearisation in Southeast Asia : problems and prospects / Bilveer Singh
Nuclear-weapon-free zones -- East Asia. : Next steps in arms control and non-proliferation : report of the U.S.-Japan Study Group on Arms Control and Non-Proliferation After the Cold War / edited by William Clark, Jr., and Ryukichi Imai ; co-sponsored by Carnegie Endowment for International Peace [and] International House of Japan