Nurse and patient -- History : Nursing, physician control, and the medical monopoly : historical perspectives on gendered inequality in roles, rights, and range of practice / Thetis M. Group, Joan I. Roberts
Nurse and patient -- Québec (Province) -- Montréal : Tant que j'ai du respir dans le corps / une présentation des Films du 3 mars et des Films de l'autre ; image, Steve Patry ; montage, Natalie Lamoureux ; conception sonore, Marie-Pierre Grenier ; prise de son, Nicolas Goyette ; musique, Bertrand Blessing ; production et réalisation, Steve Patry
Nurse and patient -- Victoria : Nursing and nursing education in multicultural Australia : a Victorian study of some cultural, curriculum and demographic issues / J. D'Cruz, G. Tham
Nurse and physician -- Congresses : Caring, curing, coping : nurse, physician, patient relationships / edited by Anne H. Bishop and John R. Scudder, Jr
Nurse and physician -- France : Bodies and souls : politics and the professionalization of nursing in France, 1880-1922 / Katrin Schultheiss
Nurse anesthetists -- Practice -- United States. : Professional aspects of nurse anesthesia practice / by American Association of Nurse Anesthetists ; edited by Scot D. Foster, Lorraine M. Jordan