Nutrition disorders in old age -- Diagnosis : Mini nutritional assessment (MNA) : research and practice in the elderly / editors, Bruno Vellas, Philip J. Garry, Yves Guigoz
Nutrition disorders -- United States -- Congresses : The public health effects of food deserts : workshop summary / Paula Tarnapol Whitacre, Peggy Tsai, and Janet Mulligan, rapporteurs ; Food and Nutrition Board, Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice, Institute of Medicine and Natural Research Council of the National Academies
Nutrition Dogs : Nutrition and metabolism of dogs and cats / Guoyao Wu, editor
Nutrition Dried fruit : Health benefits of nuts and dried fruits / edited by Cesarettin Alasalvar, Jordi Salas-Salvadó, Emilio Ros, and Joan Sabaté
Nutrition Durian Queensland, Northern : Durian and mangosteen orchards : north Queensland nutrition survey : a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation / by Yan Diczbalis and Darren Westerhuis
Nutrition -- Economic aspects -- Congresses : Mitigating the nutritional impacts of the global food price crisis : workshop summary / Elizabeth Haytmanek and Katherine McClure, rapporteurs ; Board on Global Health, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Nutrition Eels : Growth and nutrition of eels / Gad Degani and Margie Lee Gallagher
Nutrition Elderly : Nutrition for the mature adult / written by the American Council on Exercise ; presented by Jenna A. Bell ; produced by Healthy Learning
Nutrition Elk Yellowstone National Park : Winter nutritional restriction and simulated body condition of Yellowstone elk and bison before and after the fires of 1988 / by Glenn D. DelGiudice ... [and others]
Nutrition Employees : Worksite nutrition : a guide to planning, implementation and evaluation / the American Dietetic Association [and] Office of Disease Prevention and Health promotion, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services