Oceania Law Congresses : Australian and South Pacific law : structure and legal materials : papers and proceedings of the 8th IALL Course on Law Librarianship, May 10-15, 1981 / I.I. Kavass, ed
Oceania Law enforcement : The minnows of Triton : policing, politics, crime and corruption in the South Pacific Islands / John Murray
Oceania Law libraries Congresses : Australian and South Pacific law : structure and legal materials : papers and proceedings of the 8th IALL Course on Law Librarianship, May 10-15, 1981 / I.I. Kavass, ed
Oceania Leeches Ecology : A reference guide to the ecology and taxonomy of freshwater and terrestrial leeches (Euhirudinea) of Australasia and Oceania / Fredric Robert Govedich
Oceania Leeches Ecology Handbooks, manuals, etc : A reference guide to the ecology and taxonomy of freshwater and terrestrial leeches (Euhirudinea) of Australasia and Oceania / Fredric Robert Govedich
Oceania Leeches Identification : A reference guide to the ecology and taxonomy of freshwater and terrestrial leeches (Euhirudinea) of Australasia and Oceania / Fredric Robert Govedich
Oceania Libraries and state : National information policies for the Asia Oceania region : proceedings of the Eleventh General Assembly and Congress of the International Federation for Information and Documentation, Commission for Asia and Oceania, FID/CAO, [Seoul, Korea], 29-31 October, 1990 / edited by Ian Dickson and Lisa Dwyer
Oceania Libraries and state Congresses : National information policies for the Asia Oceania region : proceedings of the Eleventh General Assembly and Congress of the International Federation for Information and Documentation, Commission for Asia and Oceania, FID/CAO, [Seoul, Korea], 29-31 October, 1990 / edited by Ian Dickson and Lisa Dwyer
Oceania Library science Periodicals : Newsletter (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Regional Section for Asia and Oceania.)
Oceania Libya Relations : Social program evaluation : guidelines for health, education, and welfare administrators / Tony Tripodi, Phillip Fellin, Irwin Epstein
Oceania Linguistics : Man and a half : essays in Pacific anthropology and ethnobiology in honour of Ralph Bulmer / edited by Andrew Pawley
Oceania Linguistics Congresses : Genes, language, and culture history in the Southwest Pacific / edited by Jonathan Scott Friedlaender
Oceania Local foods : Let's go local : looking after plant diversity and our health / by Larry Thomas
Oceania Local government : Decentralisation in the South Pacific : local, provincial, and state government in twenty countries / [edited by Peter Larmour and Ropate Qalo ; with chapters by Max Chivot ... and others]
Oceania London Missionary Society : The martyr of Erromanga, or, The philosophy of missions, illustrated from the labours, death and character of the late Rev. John Williams / by John Campbell
Oceania Malaspina, Alessandro, 1754-1809 Travel : The Malaspina expedition, 1789-1794 : journal of the voyage by Alejandro Malaspina / edited by Andrew David, ... [and others] ; introduction by Donald C. Cutter