Older people -- Nutrition -- Europe -- Congresses. : Healthy ageing : the role of food, nutrition and lifestyle : a European symposium with outcomes of the Nutri-Senex project / guest editors, I. Elmadfa, H. Freisling
Older people -- Nutrition -- Massachusetts -- Boston. : Nutrition in the elderly : the Boston Nutritional Status Survey from the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University / editors, Stuart C. Hartz, Robert M. Russell, Irwin H. Rosenberg
Older people -- Nutrition -- United States -- Congresses : Nutrition and Healthy Aging in the Community : Workshop Summary / Sheila Moats and Julia Hoglund, Rapporteurs ; Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Older people -- Oceania. : Aging and its transformations : moving toward death in pacific societies / edited by Dorothy Ayers Counts, David R. Counts
Older people -- Pacific Area -- Case studies : Ageing in Asia and the Pacific : emerging issues and successful practices / Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Older people -- Palliative treatment : Palliative Care in der stationären Altenpflege : Das passende Konzept erstellen und umsetzen / Angela Paula Löser
Here are entered works on regular payments of money to individuals who have retired from employment because of age, including payments to survivors upon the death of the retiree. Works on benefits from any source, public or private, made to survivors, are entered under Survivors' benefits --subdivision Pensions under classes of persons and ethnic groups