Older people -- Taxation -- United States : Property tax relief programs for the elderly : a compendium / prepared for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research by Abt Associates, Inc
Older people -- Transportation -- Congresses. : 8th International Conference on Transport and Mobility for Elderly and Disabled People : conference proceedings : setting the pace, Perth, Western Australia
Older people -- Transportation -- Europe -- Congresses : Report of the hundred and twelfth Round Table on Transport Economics, held in Paris on 19th-20th November 1998 on the following topic : transport and ageing of the population
Older people -- Transportation -- Mississippi. : Transportation needs for the elderly, handicapped and low income of Mississippi / prepared by Kay Van Sickel and Kenneth W. Heatherington ; for the Mississippi State Highway Department and Mississippi Council on Aging
Older people -- Transportation -- Research -- Case studies. : Using multilevel path modeling to examine the statistical effect of transport deprivation on the self-reported health and mental health of older people who live alone and in rural areas / Stefanie Doebler
Older people -- Travel -- Australia : The definitive bucket list : travel experiences in Australia and New Zealand - for the best years of your life / Lee Atkinson
Older people -- Travel -- New Zealand : The definitive bucket list : travel experiences in Australia and New Zealand - for the best years of your life / Lee Atkinson
Older people -- United States -- Encyclopedias : The essential guide to aging in the twenty-first century : mind, body, and behavior / Donald H. Kausler, Barry C. Kausler, Jill A. Krupsaw