Older sexual minorities -- Abuse of : Elder abuse in the LGBTQ2SA+ community : the impact of homophobia and transphobia / Claire Robson, Jen Marchbank, Gloria Gutman, Makaela Prentice
Older sexual minorities -- Care : Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender aging : challenges in research, practice, and policy / edited by Tarynn M. Witten and A. Evan Eyler
Older South Asians -- Great Britain : Older South Asian migrant women's experiences of ageing in the UK : intersectional feminist perspectives / Nafhesa Ali
Older transgender people -- Abuse of : Elder abuse in the LGBTQ2SA+ community : the impact of homophobia and transphobia / Claire Robson, Jen Marchbank, Gloria Gutman, Makaela Prentice
Older transgender people -- Services for : Trans and gender diverse ageing in care contexts : research into practice / edited by Michael Toze, Paul Willis and Trish Hafford-Letchfield ; with forewords by Shanna K. Kattari and Pauline Smith
Older transsexuals -- Mississippi : The Joneses / a Bunny Lake Films and Pure Fragment Films production with Faction Films, in association with Vixen Films ; produced by Aviva Wishnow ; a film by Moby Longinotto
Older transsexuals -- Mississippi -- Biography : The Joneses / a Bunny Lake Films and Pure Fragment Films production with Faction Films, in association with Vixen Films ; produced by Aviva Wishnow ; a film by Moby Longinotto
Here are entered works on older people living in urban areas. This heading may be divided geographically by names of individual regions, countries, states, etc. Works on older people living in individual cities, city regions, or metropolitan areas are entered under the heading Older people with the appropriate geographic subdivision
Older volunteers -- Australia. : Inspiring, not retiring : a book of stories celebrating the contributions of older Australians / edited from conversations with Moya Sayer-Jones