Operations Management Suite. : Microsoft Operations Management Suite cookbook : enhance your management experience and capabilities across your cloud and on-premises environments with Microsoft OMS / Chiyo Odika
Here are entered works on the strategic and tactical employment of land or sea-based forces of a country at the time its maritime interests are threatened, so as to gain or exploit control of the sea or deny its use to the enemy. Works on long term questions of naval strength, including weapons, installations, national resources, etc., allowing a country to maintain control of the sea and the air space above are entered under Sea-power
Operations other than war Australia : Mission accomplished, East Timor : the Australian Defence Force participation in the International Forces East Timor (INTERFET) / Bob Breen
Operations other than war France Armed Forces : The bases of French peace operations doctrine : problematical scope of France's military engagements within the U.N. or NATO framework / by Joseph Philippe Grégoire
Operations other than war United States Armed Forces Planning : The state-society/citizen relationship in security analysis : implications for planning and implementation of U.S. intervention and peace/state-building operations / Yannis A. Stivachtis
Operations other than war United States Army Planning : The state-society/citizen relationship in security analysis : implications for planning and implementation of U.S. intervention and peace/state-building operations / Yannis A. Stivachtis
Here are entered general works dealing with methods used to undermine the morale of the civilian population and the military forces of an enemy country --subdivision Psychological aspects under names of wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945--Psychological aspects
The application of electronic, computerized control systems to mechanical devices designed to perform human functions. Formerly restricted to industry, but nowadays applied to artificial organs controlled by bionic (bioelectronic) devices, like automated insulin pumps and other prostheses
Operations research -- Canada -- History -- 20th century : The selected works of George R. Lindsey : operational research, strategic studies, and Canadian defence in the Cold War / George R. Lindsey ; edited by Matthew S. Wiseman
Operations research -- China : Contemporary Logistics in China : Reformation and Perpetuation / edited by Zhi-lun Jiao, Shao-ju Lee, Ling Wang, Bing-lian Liu