Ophthalmologists -- Great Britain -- Biography : The memoir of John Butter : surgeon, militiaman, sportsman and founder of the Plymouth Royal Eye Infirmary / edited by Dee and Mike Tracey
Ophthalmologists -- history : Sight correction : vision and blindness in eighteenth-century Britain / Chris Mounsey
Ophthalmologists -- Juvenile literature : The doctor with an eye for eyes : the story of Dr. Patricia Bath / written by Julia Finley Mosca ; illustrated by Daniel Rieley
Ophthalmologists -- South Africa -- Biography : Erika Sutter : seen with other eyes : memories of a Swiss eye doctor in rural South Africa / told by Gertrud Stiehle ; with a foreword by Mamphela Ramphele and a preface and one chapter by Frances Lund ; translated by Anu Lannen ; edited by J.M. Jenkins
Ophthalmologists -- Switzerland -- Biography : Erika Sutter : seen with other eyes : memories of a Swiss eye doctor in rural South Africa / told by Gertrud Stiehle ; with a foreword by Mamphela Ramphele and a preface and one chapter by Frances Lund ; translated by Anu Lannen ; edited by J.M. Jenkins
Ophthalmologists -- Training of -- Australia. : Accreditation report : education and training programs of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists / AMC Specialist Education Accreditation Committee