Optische NachrichtenuÌ#x88;bertragung. : Handbook of fiber optic data communication : a practical guide to optical networking / edited by Casimer DeCusatis
Optische Schicht : Thin-film design : modulated thickness and other stopband design methods / by Bruce E. Perilloux
Optische Signalverarbeitung : Optical filter design and analysis : a signal processing approach / Christi K. Madsen, Jian H. Zhao
Investigative and diagnostic methods and procedures based on the photoacoustic effect, which is the generation of SOUND WAVES from the absorption of ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION
Investigative and diagnostic methods and procedures based on the photoacoustic effect, which is the generation of SOUND WAVES from the absorption of ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION
Investigative and diagnostic methods and procedures based on the photoacoustic effect, which is the generation of SOUND WAVES from the absorption of ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION
Investigative and diagnostic methods and procedures based on the photoacoustic effect, which is the generation of SOUND WAVES from the absorption of ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION