Optoelectronics -- Research : Expanding access to precompetitive research in the United States and Japan : biotechnology and optoelectronics / Office of Japan Affairs
Optoélectronique -- Matériaux. : Photoemission from optoelectronic materials and their nanostructures / Kamakhya Prasad Ghatak, Debashis De, Sitangshu Bhattacharya
Optometria -- Aparells i instruments. : Optical devices in ophthalmology and optometry : technology, design principles and clinical applications / by Michael Kaschke, Karl-Heinz Donnerhacke, Michael Stefan Rill
Optometrie : How behavioral optometry can unlock your child's potential : identifying and overcoming blocks to concentration, self-esteem and school success with vision therapy / Joel H. Warshowsky
The professional practice of primary eye and vision care that includes the measurement of visual refractive power and the correction of visual defects with lenses or glasses
Optometry -- economics : Optometry : professional, economic, and legal aspects / by H.W. Hofstetter, Associate Professor of Optometry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Optometry -- Equipment and supplies : Optical devices in ophthalmology and optometry : technology, design principles and clinical applications / by Michael Kaschke, Karl-Heinz Donnerhacke, Michael Stefan Rill