Orientia tsutsugamushi Infection -- See Scrub Typhus
An acute infectious disease caused by ORIENTIA TSUTSUGAMUSHI. It is limited to eastern and southeastern Asia, India, northern Australia, and the adjacent islands. Characteristics include the formation of a primary cutaneous lesion at the site of the bite of an infected mite, fever lasting about two weeks, and a maculopapular rash
Orientia tsutsugamushi Infections -- See Scrub Typhus
An acute infectious disease caused by ORIENTIA TSUTSUGAMUSHI. It is limited to eastern and southeastern Asia, India, northern Australia, and the adjacent islands. Characteristics include the formation of a primary cutaneous lesion at the site of the bite of an infected mite, fever lasting about two weeks, and a maculopapular rash
Origen -- Criticism and interpretation : Origen on the Song of Songs as the spirit of scripture : the bridegroom's perfect marriage-song / J. Christopher King
Origen -- Criticism, Textual : Die neuen Psalmenhomilien : eine kritische Edition des Codex Monacensis Graecus 314 / herausgegeben von Lorenzo Perrone ; in Zusammenarbeit mit Marina Molin Pradel, Emanuela Prinzivalli und Antonio Cacciari
Origen de l'home. : What we are : the evolutionary roots of our future / Lonnie Aarssen
Origen -- Early works to 1800 : Apology for Origen / St. Pamphilus ; with the letter of Rufinus on the falsification of the books of Origen ; translated by Thomas P. Scheck
Origen -- Influence -- Congresses : Autonomie und Menschenwürde : Origenes in der Philosophie der Neuzeit / herausgegeben von Alfons Fürst und Christian Hengstermann
Origen -- Periodicals : Adamantius : rivista del Gruppo italiano di ricerca su "Origene e la tradizione alessandrina" = journal of the Italian Research Group on "Origen and the Alexandrian Tradition."