Orthodox Eastern Church -- Doctrine : Personhood in the Byzantine Christian tradition : early, medieval, and modern perspectives / edited by Alexis Torrance and Symeon Paschalidis
Orthodox Eastern Church Ecology Religious aspects : Toward an ecology of transfiguration : orthodox Christian perspectives on environment, nature, and creation / edited by John Chryssavgis and Bruce V. Foltz
Orthodox Eastern Church -- Ethiopia : Koptisches Christentum : Die orthodoxen Kirchen Ägyptens und Äthiopiens / herausgegeben von Paul Verghese
Orthodox Eastern Church -- Europe, Western -- History : Sacralizing the nation through remembrance of Medieval religious figures in Serbia, Bulgaria and Macedonia. Volume 2 / by Stefan Rohdewald ; translated by Tim Barnwell
Orthodox Eastern Church -- Finland : Lifelong religion as habitus : religious practice among displaced Karelian Orthodox women in Finland / by Helena Kupari
Orthodox Eastern Church -- Finland -- Hymns : O Theotokos, Mother of life = Oi Jumalansynnyttäjä : Hymns of the Feast of the Dormition of our Most Holy Lady = Lauluja Neitsyt Marian kuolonuneen nukkumisen juhlasta
Orthodox Eastern Church Freedom of religion : Legal thought and Eastern Orthodox Christianity : the addresses of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I / edited by Norman Doe and Aetios Nikiforos
Orthodox Eastern Church -- Georgia (Republic) -- Doctrines : Georgian Christian thought and its cultural context : memorial volume for the 125th Anniversary of Shalva Nutsubidze (1888-1969) / edited by Tamar Nutsubidze, Cornelia B. Horn, Basil Lourié ; with collaboration of Alexey Ostrovsky
Orthodox Eastern Church -- Greece -- History : Innovation in the Orthodox Christian tradition? : the question of change in Greek Orthodox thought and practice / edited by Trine Stauning Willert, Lina Molokotos-Liederman
Orthodox Eastern Church -- History -- Congresses : Stolen churches or bridges to orthodoxy? Volume 2, Ecumenical and practical perspectives on the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic dialogue / Vladimir Latinovic, Anastacia K. Wooden, editors
Orthodox Eastern Church -- Hymns -- Commentaries : Eustathii thessaloncensis Exegesis in Canonem iambicum pentacostolem / recensuerunt indicibusque instruxerunt Paolo Cesaretti et Silvia Ronchey = [edited by Paolo Cesaretti and Silvia Ronchey]
Orthodox Eastern Church -- Hymns -- Congresses : Liturgische Hymnen nach byzantinischem Ritus bei den Slaven in ältester Zeit : Beiträge einer internationalen Tagung, Bonn, 7.-10. Juni 2005 / herausgegeben von Hans Rothe und Dagmar Christians