Ovaries -- Cancer -- Congresses. : Ovarian cancer : proceedings of the International Symposium on Ovarian Cancer, Birmingham, 24-25 September 1979 / editors, C. E. Newman, C. H. J. Ford, J. A. Jordan
Ovaries -- Cancer -- Cytopathology : Cell and molecular biology of ovarian cancer : updates, insights and new frontiers / Heide Schatten, editor
Ovaries -- Cancer -- Genetic aspects -- Congresses : Practical guide to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer : annual meeting of the Japanese Organization of Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer 2021 / Daisuke Aoki, Seigo Nakamura, Yoshio Miki, editors
Ovaries -- Cancer -- Prevention -- Research -- Case studies. : Mental health behavior and personalized vaccine treatments for ovarian cancer prevention : multiple single-subject studies / Melissa M. Root & Melissa A. Bray & Cheryl Maykel & Thomas J. Kehle
Ovaries -- Endocrine aspects : Frontiers in gynecological endocrinology. Volume 3, Ovarian function and reproduction - from needs to possibilities / Andrea R. Genazzani, Basil C. Tarlatzis, editors
Ovaries -- Physiology -- Research : Identification of novel modulators towards high cell density and high-producing Chinese hamster ovary suspension cell cultures as well as their application in biopharmaceutical protein production / submitted by Beat Thalmann, Dipl. Chemist (FH), MSc Biotechnology (FH), from Berg am Irchel (ZH), Fischingen (TG) and Pfungen (ZH), Switzerland
Ovaries -- Tumors -- Atlases : Atlas of clear cell carcinoma of the ovary : a pathological guide / Junzo Kigawa, Tsunehisa Kaku, Toru Sugiyama, Steven G Silverberg