Psychology Multilingual persons : The multilingual subject : what foreign language learners say about their experience and why it matters / Claire Kramsch
psychology Multiple Birth Offspring : Sextuplets : study of a sibling group / Linda Root Fortini and Laura Mori ; translated from Italian by Diana Sears
Psychology Murder victims Great Britain : The road to murder : why driving is the occupation of choice for Britain's serial killers / Adam G.T. Lynes ; foreword, Professor David Wilson
Psychology Murderers Evaluation : Cut from the same cloth? : lone actor terrorists versus common homicide offenders / Marieke Liem, Jelle van Buuren & Hanneke Schönberger
Psychology Murderers Great Britain : Certain other countries : homicide, gender, and national identity in late nineteenth-century England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales / Carolyn A. Conley
psychology Musculoskeletal Manipulations : Psychology in the physical and manual therapies / edited by Gregory S. Kolt and Mark B. Andersen ; foreword by Katherine F. Shepard
Psychology Mysticism History : Sensible ecstasy : mysticism, sexual difference, and the demands of history / Amy Hollywood
Psychology Mysticism Judaism : Ultimate intimacy : the psychodynamics of Jewish mysticism / Mortimer Ostow ; with contributions by Jacob A. Arlow [and others]