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Palés Matos, Luis. Tuntún de pasa y grifería : Not at home in one's home : Caribbean self-fashioning in the poetry of Luis Palés Matos, Aimé Césaire, and Derek Walcott / Víctor Figueroa  2009 1
Palestijnen.   27
Palestijnse kwestie.   11
Palestijnse staat.   2
Palestina.   39
Palestina Antika fornlämningar : The Holy Land : an Oxford archaeological guide from earliest times to 1700 / Jerome Murphy-O'Connor  2008 1
Palestina Arkeologi bronsåldern : Critical issues in early Israelite history / edited by Richard S. Hess, Gerald A. Klingbeil, and Paul J. Ray Jr  2008 1
Palestina Civila samhället : Palestinian civil society : foreign donors and the power to promote and exclude / Benoît Challand  2009 1
Palestina Edad del hierro Congresos : Symbiosis, symbolism, and the power of the past : Canaan, ancient Israel, and their neighbors from the Late Bronze Age through Roman Palaestina / proceedings of the Centennial Symposium, W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research and American Schools of Oriental Research, Jerusalem, May 29/31, 2000 ; edited by William G. Dever and Seymour Gitin  2003 1
Palestina Estructura social Historia Congresos : Symbiosis, symbolism, and the power of the past : Canaan, ancient Israel, and their neighbors from the Late Bronze Age through Roman Palaestina / proceedings of the Centennial Symposium, W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research and American Schools of Oriental Research, Jerusalem, May 29/31, 2000 ; edited by William G. Dever and Seymour Gitin  2003 1
Palestina Etnisk rensning : The ethnic cleansing of Palestine / Ilan Pappe  2006 1
Palestina Etniska rekationer historia 1900-talet : Ottoman brothers : Muslims, Christians, and Jews in early twentieth-century Palestine / Michelle U. Campos  2011 1
Palestina Etniska relationer historia Jerusalem 1900-talet : From empire to empire : Jerusalem between Ottoman and British rule / Abigail Jacobson  2011 1
Palestina Familias Historia Congresos : Symbiosis, symbolism, and the power of the past : Canaan, ancient Israel, and their neighbors from the Late Bronze Age through Roman Palaestina / proceedings of the Centennial Symposium, W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research and American Schools of Oriental Research, Jerusalem, May 29/31, 2000 ; edited by William G. Dever and Seymour Gitin  2003 1
Palestina Första världskriget 1914-1918 militära operationer : From empire to empire : Jerusalem between Ottoman and British rule / Abigail Jacobson  2011 1
Palestina -- guideböcker. : The Holy Land : an Oxford archaeological guide from earliest times to 1700 / Jerome Murphy-O'Connor  2008 1
Palestina -- historia.   2
Palestina -- historia -- 1900-talet. : Ottoman brothers : Muslims, Christians, and Jews in early twentieth-century Palestine / Michelle U. Campos  2011 1
Palestina -- historia -- 1900-talet -- sekelskiftet 2000. : One state, two states : resolving the Israel/Palestine conflict / Benny Morris  2009 1
Palestina (HistÓria;Aspectos PolÍticos) : Jewish state or Israeli nation? / Boas Evron  1995 1
PALESTINA IDENTIDADE ÉTNICA : Palestinian identity : the construction of modern national consciousness / Rashid Khalidi  1997 1
PALESTINA IDENTIDADE NACIONAL : Palestinian identity : the construction of modern national consciousness / Rashid Khalidi  1997 1
PALESTINA;ISRAEL RELAÇÕES ÉTNICAS : Palestinian identity : the construction of modern national consciousness / Rashid Khalidi  1997 1
Palestina Kulturell mångfald 1900-talet : Ottoman brothers : Muslims, Christians, and Jews in early twentieth-century Palestine / Michelle U. Campos  2011 1
Palestina -- politik och förvaltning. : The Arab authoritarian regime between reform and persistence / edited by Henner Fürtig  2007 1
Palestina -- sociala förhållanden. : Palestinian civil society : foreign donors and the power to promote and exclude / Benoît Challand  2009 1
Palestina -- Usos y costumbres -- Historia -- Congresos. : Symbiosis, symbolism, and the power of the past : Canaan, ancient Israel, and their neighbors from the Late Bronze Age through Roman Palaestina / proceedings of the Centennial Symposium, W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research and American Schools of Oriental Research, Jerusalem, May 29/31, 2000 ; edited by William G. Dever and Seymour Gitin  2003 1
Palestinafrågan.   13
Palestinakriget 1948-1949. : The ethnic cleansing of Palestine / Ilan Pappe  2006 1
Palestinan Arabs in mass media : The Palestinian idea : film, media, and the radical imagination / Greg Burris  2019 1
  Palestine -- 3 Related Subjects   3
Palestine.   41
Palestine -- 70-638. : Bread, wine, walls and scrolls / Magen Broshi  2001 1
Palestine -- 1516-1917 (Période ottomane) -- Thèses et écrits académiques. : An Ottoman century : the district of Jerusalem in the 1600s / Dror Zeʼevi  1996 1
Palestine -- 1917-1948. : Zionism and the creation of a new society / Ben Halpern & Jehuda Reinharz  1998 1
Palestine -- 1947 (Partage) -- Cas, Études de. : Contested lands : Israel-Palestine, Kashmir, Bosnia, Cyprus, and Sri Lanka / Sumantra Bose  2007 1
Palestine Abused women Biography : Burned alive : a victim of the law of men / Souad, in collaboration with Marie-Therese Cuny  2004 1
Palestine Academic freedom   2
Palestine Âge du bronze Congres et conferences : Critical issues in early Israelite history / edited by Richard S. Hess, Gerald A. Klingbeil, and Paul J. Ray Jr  2008 1
Palestine Âge du fer : The pitcher is broken : memorial essays for Gösta W. Ahlström / edited by Steven W. Holloway and Lowell K. Handy  1995 1
Palestine Âge du fer Congres et conferences : Critical issues in early Israelite history / edited by Richard S. Hess, Gerald A. Klingbeil, and Paul J. Ray Jr  2008 1
Palestine Agricultural colonies History   3
Palestine Agricultural development projects History   2
Palestine Agricultural innovations History : Milk and honey : technologies of plenty in the making of a Holy Land / Tamar Novick  2023 1
Palestine Agricultural innovations History 20th century : Zionism and free enterprise : the story of private entrepreneurs in citrus plantations in Palestine in the 1920s and 1930s / Irit Amit-Cohen ; [translated from Hebrew by Jerry Aviram]  2012 1
Palestine Agriculture, Cooperative : Society and settlement : Jewish land of Israel in the twentieth century / Aharon Kellerman  1993 1
Palestine Agriculture, Cooperative History 20th century : Zionist arabesques : modern landscapes, non-modern texts / Hadas Yaron  2010 1
Palestine Agriculture History 20th century   2
Palestine Albanians (Ancient) : The Caucasian Archaeology of the Holy Land : Armenian, Georgian and Albanian Communities between the Fourth and Eleventh Centuries CE / by Yana Tchekhanovets  2018 1
Palestine Americans History 19th century : American Palestine : Melville, Twain, and the Holy Land mania / Hilton Obenzinger  1999 1
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