Papa <Ungarn, 2006> : Studies in the book of Ben Sira : papers of the Third International Conference on the Deuterocanonical books, Shime'on Centre, Pápa, Hungary, 18-20 May, 2006 / edited by Géza G. Xeravits, József Zsengellér
Pápa <Ungarn, 2007> : Studies in the Book of wisdom / edited by Géza G. Xeravits and József Zsengellér
Here are entered works on the ministry of unity and leadership exercised by Saint Peter and that thereafter individuals or bodies exercise collegially for the whole Church after his example or as his successors. Works on the authority and jurisdiction that the Bishop of Rome in his office as successor of Saint Peter exercises over the universal Church are entered under Popes--Primacy
Papacy and Christian union -- History -- Sources : Epistolae Plenae : the correspondence of the bishops of Hispania with the bishops of Rome : third through seventh centuries / by Alberto Ferreiro
Papacy -- History -- 16th century. : The continuity of the Church of England : a story of the kings and popes of the sixteenth century / by Farnham E. Maynard
Papacy -- History -- 1566-1799 -- Congresses : Les philosophes et leurs papes : actes du colloque Les papes imaginaires des Lumières françaises, 1713-1789, Academia Belgica Rome, 13-15 mars 2008 / études réunies par Jan Herman, Kris Peeters et Paul Pelckmans
Papacy -- History -- Congresses : Das Papsttum und das vielgestaltige Italien : hundert Jahre Italia pontifica / herausgegeben von Klaus Herbers und Jochen Johrendt
Papacy -- History -- Manuscripts -- Congresses : Verzeichnis der in den Supplikenregistern der Pönitentiarie Alexanders VI. vorkommenden Personen, Kirchen und Orte des Deutschen Reiches (1492-1503) / bearbeitet von Ludwig Schmugge ; unter Mitarbeit von Alessandra Mosciatti
Papacy -- History -- To 1309 -- Sources : The correspondence of Pope Gregory VII : selected letters from the Registrum / translated with an introduction by Ephraim Emerton
Papacy -- Manuscripts : Verzeichnis der in den Supplikenregistern der Pönitentiarie Alexanders VI. vorkommenden Personen, Kirchen und Orte des Deutschen Reiches (1492-1503) / bearbeitet von Ludwig Schmugge ; unter Mitarbeit von Alessandra Mosciatti
Papacy -- Relations -- Vatican City -- Australia : Benedict, me and the Cardinals three : the story of the dismissal of Bishop Bill Morris by Pope Benedict XVI / William Martin Morris, DD ; cover design by Astrid Sengkey
Papademetriou, Lisa. : Something about the author. Volume 175 / Lisa Kumar, project editor
Papadopoulos, Panayiotis : Introduction to solid mechanics : an integrated approach / Jacob Lubliner, Panayiotis Papadopoulos
Papageien : Parrots of Africa, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands : biology, ecology and conservation / Mike Perrin ; with photographs by Cyril Laubscher