Parennefer, Royal Butler of Akhenaton, King of Egypt -- Tomb : The tomb of Parennefer, butler of Pharaoh Akhenaten : Theban tomb 188 / Susan Redford ; with contribution from Donald B. Redford ; architectural drawings by Keith Meikle ; facsimile wall drawings by Rupert Nesbitt and Tannis Davidson ; photographs by Alexander Nesbitt
Persons functioning as natural, adoptive, or substitute parents. The heading includes the concept of parenthood as well as preparation for becoming a parent
Parent and adult child -- Great Britain : ""Helicopter Parenting"" and ""Boomerang Children"" : How Parents Support and Relate to Their Student and Co-Resident Graduate Children
Parent and adult child -- Japan : Intergenerational relationships between married children and their parents in 21st century Japan : how are patrilineal tradition and marriage changing? / by Yamato Reiko
Parent and adult child -- Mississippi : The Joneses / a Bunny Lake Films and Pure Fragment Films production with Faction Films, in association with Vixen Films ; produced by Aviva Wishnow ; a film by Moby Longinotto
Parent and child -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Sydney : Families with an intellectually handicapped child : a controlled study of the health and needs of adults in families having an intellectually retarded child or young person at home / by Ron Barr and Helen Molony
Parent and child -- Belgium : Adolescents et difficultés scolaires : approche de la complexité / sous la direction de Aline Henrion et Jacques Grégoire ; avec les contributions de : Pascaline Gorgemans, Jacques Grégoire, Aline Henrion, Serge Mertens de Wilmars, Muriel Meynckens-Fourez, Sophie Tortolano et Jean Van Hemelrijck
Parent and child -- Biography : About a girl : a mother's powerful story of raising her transgender child / Rebekah Robertson ; with a foreword by Georgie Stone
Parent and child -- China -- Hong Kong : Parenting in stepfamilies : social attitudes, parental perceptions and parenting behaviours in Hong Kong / Gladys Lan Tak Lam-Chan