Parents' advisory committees in education -- Great Britain. : Parental influence at school : a new framework for school government in England and Wales / presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Education and Science and the Secretary of State for Wales
Here are entered works on parents who have grown old and whose children are middle-aged or older. Works on persons who became parents after reaching middle age are entered under Older parents
Parents -- Alcohol use : Parents who misuse drugs and alcohol : effective interventions in social work and child protection / Donald Forrester and Judith Harwin
Here are entered works on the psycho-social interaction between parents and their minor children. Works on the methods and techniques of raising children are entered under Child rearing. Works on the skills, attributes and attitudes needed for parenthood are entered under Parenting --subdivision Family relationships under groups of people
Parents -- Case studies. : Different dads : fathers' stories of parenting disabled children / edited by Jill Harrison, Matthew Henderson and Rob Leonard ; foreword by David Cameron
Parents -- Counseling of -- United States : Reaching teens. Strength-based communication strategies to build resilience and support healthy adolescent development. 50.23, Guiding parents whose children use substances. Adolescent Advocates staff. / [produced by] American Academy of Pediatrics