Parma Christian heretics Italy History : Poverty, heresy and the apocalypse : the Order of Apostles and social change in medieval Italy, 1260-1307 / Jerry B. Pierce
Parma Opera Italy 18th century : Musical theater in eighteenth-century Parma : entertainment, sovereignty, reform / Margaret R. Butler
Parma Printers Italy Biography : Manual of typography = Manuale tipografico : 1818 / Giambattista Bodoni ; with an essay on Bodoni's Typography in Historical Perspective by Stephan Fussel
Parma Printing Italy History 19th century : Manual of typography = Manuale tipografico : 1818 / Giambattista Bodoni ; with an essay on Bodoni's Typography in Historical Perspective by Stephan Fussel
Parmenides -- Appreciation : After Parmenides : idealism, realism, and epistemic constructivism / Tom Rockmore
Parmenides -- Congresses : Parmenides, venerable and awesome (Plato, Theaetetus 183e) : proceedings of the international symposium (Buenos Aires, October 29/November 2, 2007) / edited by Néstor-Luis Cordero
Parmenides. Nature -- Congresses : Parmenides, venerable and awesome (Plato, Theaetetus 183e) : proceedings of the international symposium (Buenos Aires, October 29/November 2, 2007) / edited by Néstor-Luis Cordero