Passing (Gender). : Passing : profiling the lives of young transmen of color / the Mountain Collective presents ; in association with JMR ; a film by Lucah Rosenberg Lee & J. Mitchel Reed ; producer, Emily Jenkins ; directed by J. Mitchel Reed & Lucah Rosenberg Lee
Passing (Identity) -- United States -- Biography : Passing performances : queer readings of leading players in American theater history / edited by Robert A. Schanke and Kim Marra ; foreword by Jill Dolan
Passing (Identity) -- United States -- Fiction : Marylin : a novel of passing / Arthur Rundt ; translated by Chauncey J. Mellor with Peter Höyng ; edited by Peter Höyng and Chauncey J. Mellor ; afterword by Priscilla D. Layne
Passing Larsen, Nella : Novels for students. Volume 58 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels / Kristen A. Dorsch, project editor
Here are entered works on a disorder in which the patient shows unrealistic and excessive fear and anxiety about potential health problems. Works on a disorder in which the patient has numerous, recurrent, and long-lasting bodily complaints that are not due to any physical cause are entered under Somatization disorder
Passio Petri et Pauli. : Petrus in Rom, die literarischen Zeugnisse : mit einer kritischen Edition der Martyrien des Petrus und Paulus auf neuer handschriftlicher Grundlage / von Otto Zwierlein
Passion fruit. : Gardening Australia : Series 31 - Ep 23
Passion Jesu. : The triumph of the Cross : the Passion of Christ in theology and the arts, from the Renaissance to the counter-Reformation / Richard Viladesau
Passion Jesus Christ Early works to 1800 : Passione Trivulziana : armonia evangelica volgarizzata in milanese antico : edizione critica e commentata, analisi linguistica e glossario / Michele Colombo