Patents Chemicals : Pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and chemical inventions : world protection and exploitation / edited by Duncan Bucknell, CEO & IP strategist, Think IP Strategy ; consulting editor, Theo Bodewig, Humboldt University
Patents Cyanide process : Digest of the proceedings and copy of decisions in connection with the application to amend the Victorian specification of what is generally known as the cyanide patent
Patents Cyanides : Digest of the proceedings and copy of decisions in connection with the application to amend the Victorian specification of what is generally known as the cyanide patent
Patents Drugs Africa, Sub-Saharan : Patenting of pharmaceuticals and development in sub-saharan Africa : laws, institutions, practices, and politics / Poku Adusei
Patents Drugs Brazil : The TRIPS Agreement implementation in Brazil : patents in the pharmaceutical area / Viviane Yumy Mitsuuchi Kunisawa
Patents Drugs Canada : Patently innovative : how pharmaceutical firms use emerging patent law to extend monopolies on blockbuster drugs / Ron A. Bouchard
Patents -- Economic aspects -- France : Skilled immigration, task allocation and the innovation of firms / Anna Maria Mayda, Gianluca Orefice and Gianluca Santoni
Patents Egg processing : Egg science and technology / [edited by] William J. Stadelman, Owen J. Cotterill
Patents Electric connectors Cases : General Electric Company, complainant, vs. the Yost Electric Manufacturing Company and George A. Annable, defendants