--subdivision Pathophysiology under individual diseases and types of diseases, individual organs and regions of the body, and individual chemicals and groups of chemicalas, e.g. Cancer--Pathophysiology; Heart--Pathophysiology; Insulin--Pathophysiology
Here are entered systematic descriptions of mental disorders. Popular works and works on social aspects of mental disorders are entered under Mental illness. Works on clinical aspects of mental disorders, including therapy, are entered under Psychiatry
Management, removal, and elimination of biologic, infectious, pathologic, and dental waste. The concept includes blood, mucus, tissue removed at surgery or autopsy, soiled surgical dressings, and other materials requiring special control and handling. Disposal may take place where the waste is generated or elsewhere
A specialty concerned with the nature and cause of disease as expressed by changes in cellular or tissue structure and function caused by the disease process
Pathologists -- Europe -- Biography : The nobel prize in medicine and the Karolinska Institute : the story of Axel Key and Alfred Nobel / Bengt Ljunggren, George W. Bruyn
Pathologists -- Germany -- Berlin. : David Paul von Hansemann : contributions to oncology / Leon P. Bignold, Brian L.D. Coghlan, Hubertus P.A. Jersmann
Pathologists -- Training of -- Australasia. : Accreditation report : education and training programs of The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia / AMC Specialist Education Accreditation Committee
Pathologists -- United States -- Biography : Between the dying the dead : Dr. Jack Kevorkian, the assisted suicide machine, and the battle to legalise euthanasia / Neal Nicol and Harry Wylie