The evaluation by experts of the quality and pertinence of research or research proposals of other experts in the same field. Peer review is used by editors in deciding which submissions warrant publication, by granting agencies to determine which proposals should be funded, and by academic institutions in tenure decisions
Peer Review, Research -- standards. : Guidelines for reporting health research : a user's manual / editors, David Moher, Douglas G. Altman, Kenneth F. Schulz, Iveta Simera, Elizabeth Wager
Peer review -- South Africa : Unequal peers : the politics of discourse management in the social sciences / Mpilo Pearl Sithole
Peer review -- Water-supply : Review procedures for water resources project planning / Panel on Peer Review, Committee to Assess the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Methods of Analysis and Peer Review for Water Resources Project Planning, Water Science and Technology Board, Ocean Studies Board, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council
An organized procedure carried out by a select committee of professionals in evaluating the performance of other professionals in meeting the standards of their specialty. Review by peers is used by editors in the evaluation of articles and other papers submitted for publication. Peer review is used also in the evaluation of grant applications. It is applied also in evaluating the quality of health care provided to patients
The evaluation by experts of the quality and pertinence of research or research proposals of other experts in the same field. Peer review is used by editors in deciding which submissions warrant publication, by granting agencies to determine which proposals should be funded, and by academic institutions in tenure decisions
The evaluation by experts of the quality and pertinence of research or research proposals of other experts in the same field. Peer review is used by editors in deciding which submissions warrant publication, by granting agencies to determine which proposals should be funded, and by academic institutions in tenure decisions
The evaluation by experts of the quality and pertinence of research or research proposals of other experts in the same field. Peer review is used by editors in deciding which submissions warrant publication, by granting agencies to determine which proposals should be funded, and by academic institutions in tenure decisions
peer support. : Cyberbullying at university in international contexts / edited by Wanda Cassidy, Chantal Faucher, Margaret Jackson
Peer teaching -- Germany : Bilinguale Interaktion beim Peer-Learning in der Grundschule : eine Mixed-Methods Studie mit bilingual türkisch-deutschsprachig aufwachsenden Schüler*innen / Martin Schastak
Here are entered works on the association of persons for their common, often economic, good. Works on enterprises or organizations owned by and operated for the benefit of those using their services are entered under Cooperative societies
Peer-to-peer loans -- Law and legislation : Law and practice of crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending in Australia, China, and Japan / Pelma Rajapakse, Yinxu Huang, Hatsuru Morita