People with albinism. : White black boy / [produced by] Fourhands Film ; [a film by] Camilla Magid
People with albinism -- Africa : Albinism in Africa : historical, geographic, medical, genetic, and psychosocial aspects / editors, Jennifer Kromberg, Prashiela Manga
People with bipolar disorder -- Rehabilitation : ICD 10. Sam, core video, F31.74 (adolescent) bipolar I disorder, current or most recent episode mania. Part 2, In full remission / Symptom Media
People with cerebral palsy -- United States -- Biography : Body & soul : Diana & Kathy / Welcome Change Productions ; a film by Alice Elliott ; director, producer, Alice Elliott ; producer, Simone Pero Audi ; a co-production of Alice Elliott and the Independent Television Service (ITVS)
People with communicative disabilities : Communication disabilities sourcebook : basic consumer health information about different types of communication disorders and their impact on personal, social, and economic well-being, recovery and rehabilitation techniques, and tips for caregivers ; along with facts about rights and benefits of people with communication disabilities and resources for additional help and information / [edited by Angela L. Williams]
People with disabilites -- Services for : Supporting disabled people with their sexual lives : a clear guide for health and social care professionals / Tuppy Owens ; with Claire de Than
People with disabilities Aboriginal Australians : Culture is inclusion : a narrative of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability / Scott Avery, lead researcher and author