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Book Cover
Author Abu-Ghazaleh, Faida, 1966-

Title Ethnic Identity of Palestinian Immigrants in the United States : the Role of Material Cultural Artifacts
Published El Paso : LFB Scholarly Pub. LLC, 2010


Description 1 online resource (210 pages)
Series The New Americans: Recent Immigration and American Society
New Americans (LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC)
Contents ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; INTRODUCTION; CHAPTER 1: Palestine: A Historical Perspective; Events that Shaped Palestinian Identity; CHAPTER 2: The Construction of Identity; Arab and Palestinian Immigrants; Palestinian Communities in the United States; Palestinian Ethnic Identity and Land; 1. The Political Component; 2. The Social Component; 3. The Economic Component; Material Culture and Immigrants' Identity; CHAPTER 3: Who We Are; The Families; The Ameen Family; The Basim Family; The Dawood Family; The Esam Family; The Farah Family; The Ghazi Family; The Hani Family
Social interaction among women in the communityDocumenting Material Culture; CHAPTER 4: Social Identity Practices of the Palestiniansin Maryland; Political and Cultural Challenges; Linguistic Practices; Politics of Naming; Language and Dialect; Oral History and Storytelling in the Home; Choices in Consuming Media; Religious and Educational Choices; Adaptation in the New Home; CHAPTER 5: Come to my House; National Artifacts; Map; Flag; Hatta; Thobe; The Dome of the Rock; Pictures of Jerusalem; National Wall Hangings and Home Décor; Religious Artifacts; Christian Symbols; Islamic Symbols
Clothing and JewelrySocial Artifacts; Clothing; Musical Instruments; Jewelry; Home Décor; Food from Distinct Cities; House and Garden; Artifacts and Identities; Artifacts and Heritage; Artifacts and Maintaining a Distinct Palestinian Identity; Exchange of Artifacts; Artifacts and Gender Identity; CHAPTER 6: When We Go Back ... ; The Social Identity Practices of Palestinian Familiesin Maryland; Cultural Artifacts in the Identity Formation of Palestiniansin Maryland; APPENDIX; BIBLIOGRAPHY; INDEX
Summary Abu-Ghazaleh focuses on Palestinian cultural material artifacts and their connection with the preservation of cultural identity. The Palestinian participants were acutely aware of the potential instability of their diaspora, especially in the United States since 9/11. This study provides a perspective not generally presented in Western media of the Palestinian people striving for the peaceful preservation of their nationality through their cultural artifacts, and social identity practices. For Palestinians, material culture artifacts connect them to their homeland even as it is relentlessly re
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Print version record
Subject Palestinian Americans -- Maryland -- Ethnic identity
Palestinian Americans -- Material culture -- Maryland
Palestinian Americans -- Maryland -- Social life and customs
Immigrants -- Maryland -- Social life and customs
Ethnicity -- Maryland
Material culture -- Maryland
Personal belongings -- Maryland
Palestinian Americans -- Maryland -- Biography
SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Anthropology -- Cultural.
SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Discrimination & Race Relations.
SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Ethnic Studies -- General.
SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Minority Studies.
Ethnic relations
Immigrants -- Social life and customs
Manners and customs
Material culture
Palestinian Americans
Personal belongings
Maryland -- Ethnic relations
Maryland -- Social life and customs.
Genre/Form Biographies
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9781593326616