Personality assessment of teenagers. : Clinical assessment of child and adolescent personality and behavior / Paul J. Frick, Christopher T. Barry, Randy W. Kamphaus
The determination and evaluation of personality attributes by interviews, observations, tests, or scales. Articles concerning personality measurement are considered to be within scope of this term
Personality change -- Congresses : Religion in the Developing Personality : Proceedings of the Second Academic Symposium 1958 / Academy of Religion and Mental Health
Personality -- Comic books, strips, etc. : Let a viking do it : Hagar and family illustrate the Myers-Briggs type indicator / Peter Malone ; cartoons by Dik Browne
Disorder characterized by an emotionally constricted manner that is unduly conventional, serious, formal, and stingy, by preoccupation with trivial details, rules, order, organization, schedules, and lists, by stubborn insistence on having things one's own way without regard for the effects on others, by poor interpersonal relationships, and by indecisiveness due to fear of making mistakes
Personality Conflict of laws : Cross-border infringement of personality rights via the internet : a resolution of the Institute of International Law / by Symeon C. Symeonides
Established behavior pattern characterized by excessive drive and ambition, impatience, competitiveness, sense of time urgency, and poorly contained aggression
The training or molding of an individual through various relationships, educational agencies, and social controls, which enables him to become a member of a particular society