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Description Counseling and Therapy in Video provides a first-hand look at the realities of working with clients and the challenges associated with putting theoretical concepts into practice. The collections includes therapeutic methods and diagnoses, insight into the human condition, and training in skills such as reflection and empathy while working with specific populations such as veterans and teens.
Subject area Social Work
  Health Sciences and Allied Health
Database Help Alexander Street Press help
Part of Part of Academic Video Online (e10012631)
Other name ASP Counseling and Therapy in Video
  Counselling and Therapy in Video
  Alexander Street Press


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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
Counseling and therapy in video The ACT model & approach / [presented by] Steven Hayes
Counseling and therapy in video ADHD : diagnosis and subtyping / [presented by] Russell Barkley
Counseling and therapy in video ADHD : executive functioning, life course outcomes & management / [presented by] Russell A. Barkley
Counseling and therapy in video ADHD from A to Z : advances in the understanding & management of ADHD / [presented by] Russell Barkley
Counseling and therapy in video ADHD in adults : diagnosis, impairments & management / [presented by] Russell A. Barkley
Counseling and therapy in video ADHD, OCD & bipolar : clinical, educational & home interventions for children & adolescents / [presented by] Emily L. Stevens
Counseling and therapy in video Advanced dialectical behavior therapy : "Beyond the basics" / [presented by] Cathy Moonshine
Counseling and therapy in video Advanced dialectical behavior therapy : "Beyond the basics" / [presented by] Josh Smith
Counseling and therapy in video Advanced DSM-IV-TR & DSM-5 preview / [presented by] Brooks W. Baer
Counseling and therapy in video Advanced mindfulness / [presented by] Terry Fralich
Counseling and therapy in video Advanced mindfulness techniques for clients : eliminating mental distress / [presented by] Donald F. Sloane
Counseling and therapy in video Advanced remediation and treatment for SLPs helping children with auditory processing disorders / [presented by] Jay Lucker
Counseling and therapy in video Age happens
Counseling and therapy in video Anxiety disorders : break through the four C's of treatment failure / [presented by] David A. Clark
Counseling and therapy in video Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents : recognizing & treating the emerging epidemic / [presented by] Paul Foxman
Counseling and therapy in video Anxiety treatment techniques that really work / [presented by] David Carbonell
Counseling and therapy in video The art of dying well / [presented by] Annette Prince
Counseling and therapy in video The art of relational psychotherapy : enhancing your practice & improving client outcomes / [presented by] Stephen Howard
Counseling and therapy in video The art of the first session / presented by Bob Taibbi, LCSW
Counseling and therapy in video Assessment of ADHD in children and teens / [presented by] Russell A. Barkley