Peter, the Apostle, Saint -- Art -- History : The early reception and appropriation of the apostle Peter (60-800 CE) : the anchors of the fisherman / edited by Roald Dijkstra
Peter, the Apostle, Saint -- Homes and haunts -- Rome : Petrus in Rom, die literarischen Zeugnisse : mit einer kritischen Edition der Martyrien des Petrus und Paulus auf neuer handschriftlicher Grundlage / von Otto Zwierlein
Peter, the Apostle, Saint -- Legends : Petrus in Rom, die literarischen Zeugnisse : mit einer kritischen Edition der Martyrien des Petrus und Paulus auf neuer handschriftlicher Grundlage / von Otto Zwierlein
Peter, the Apostle, Saint Office as head of the apostles -- See Petrine office
Here are entered works on the ministry of unity and leadership exercised by Saint Peter and that thereafter individuals or bodies exercise collegially for the whole Church after his example or as his successors. Works on the authority and jurisdiction that the Bishop of Rome in his office as successor of Saint Peter exercises over the universal Church are entered under Popes--Primacy
Peter Walker William Johnson and Partners. / : Peter Walker William Johnson and partners : art and nature / [editor-in-charge, Yoji Sasaki]
Peter, William Franklyn -- Trials, litigation, etc : Crim. con.: damages, five thousand pounds!!! : Fairburn's edition of the trial between Captain Peter and John Hancock, wholesale grocer, for criminal conversation with the plaintiff's wife ; including the curious and laughable love letters, with the evidence, and speeches of counsel, at full length
Peterborough Antiquities, Prehistoric England : Waterlands : prehistoric life at Bar pasture, Pode hole quarry, Peterborough / edited by Andy Richmond, Karen Francis and Gary Coates ; with specialist contributions by Hugo Anderson-Whymark [and sixteen others]