Pflanzenschutz -- Ökologie. : Crop protection : from agrochemistry to agroecology / Jean-Philippe Deguine, Pierre Ferron, Derek Russell
Pflanzensoziologie : An integrative approach to successional dynamics : tempo and mode of vegetation change / Scott J. Meiners, Eastern Illinois University, USA, Steward T.A. Pickett, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, NY, USA, Mary L. Cadenasso, University of California, Davis, USA
Pflanzenvermehrung : A colour atlas of plant propagation and conservation / Bryan G. Bowes
Pflegebedarf : Ageing, care need and quality of life : the perspective of care givers and people in need of care / Gabriele Doblhammer, Rembrandt Scholz (Ed.)
Pflegeeinrichtung : A practical guide to delivering personalisation : person-centred practice in health and social care / Helen Sanderson and Jaimee Lewis
Pflegeeltern : Substitute parents : biological and social perspective on alloparenting across human societies / edited by Gillian Bentley & Ruth Mace
Pflegemanagement : Transitioning into hospital-based practice : a guide for nurse practitioners and administrators / Mona N. Bahouth, Kay Blum, Shari Simone, editors
Pflegeplan : Dementia in nursing homes / Sandra Schüssler, Christa Lohrmann, editors
Pfleger, Michael : Radical disciple : the story of Father Pfleger / a Franklin Street Production ; directed by Bob Hercules ; produced by Terrie Pickerill
Pflichtverteidiger : Zur Rechtswirklichkeit der Pflichtverteidigerbestellung Eine Untersuchung zur Praxis der Beiordnung durch den Strafrichter nach § 140 Abs. 1 Nr. 4 StPO in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Matthias Jahn