Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598 -- Correspondence : Relations politiques de la France et de l'Espagne avec l'Ecosse au XVIe siècle : papiers d'etat, pièces et documents inédits ou peu connu tirée des bibliothèques et des archives de France. Volume V, Correspondances espagnoles, 1563-1587, Philippe II-Marie Stuart, Jacques VI / par Alexandre Teulet = Political relations of France and Spain with Scotland in the sixteenth century : state papers, unpublished or little known extracts and documents held in the libraries and archives of France
Philip III, 1270-1285 France History : L' ascension et la Chute de Pierre de la Broce, Chambellan du Roi (+ 1278) Étude Sur le Pouvoir Royal Au Teéps de Saint Louis et de Philippe III (V. 1250 - V. 1280)
Philip III, King of Spain, 1578-1621. : The history of the reign of Philip the Third, king of Spain / the first four books by Robert Watson, the last two by William Thomson
Philip, John, 1775-1851. : A defence of the Wesleyan missionaries in Southern Africa : comprising copies of a correspondence with the Reverend John Philip : an introduction and appendix / by William Shaw
Philip, King of Castile I, 1478-1506 : Historia regis Henrici Septimi : a Bernardo Andrea tholosate conscripta : necnon alia quaedam ad eundem regem spectantia / edited by James Gairdner
Philip, King of France II, 1165-1223 : The legend of Bouvines : war, religion and culture in the Middle Ages / Georges Duby ; translated by Catherine Tihanyi
Philip Morris (Australia) -- Art collections. / : Aspects of the Philip Morris Collection : four Australian photographers
Philip Morris (Australia) -- Art collections -- Exhibitions. / : Aspects of the Philip Morris Collection : four Australian photographers