Philosophy Anatomy : About the living body : introduction to philosophical anatomy / Mauro Barone, Nicola Di Stefano, and Vittoradolfo Tambone, editors
Philosophy, Ancient -- Asian influences. : 21st Century, the age of Sophia : the Wisdom of Greek philosophy and the Wisdom of the Buddha / by Seiyu Kiriyama ; translated by Rande Brown
Philosophy, Ancient -- Greek influences : Philosopher kings and tragic heroes : essays on images and ideas from western Greece / edited by Heather L. Reid and Davide Tanasi
Philosophy, Ancient -- History and criticism : Gestures : essays in ancient history, literature, and philosophy presented to Alan L. Boegehold : on the occasion of his retirement and his seventy-fifth birthday / edited by Geoffrey W. Bakewell and James P. Sickinger
Philosophy, Ancient -- History -- Sources. : Plato and Parmenides : Parmenides' Way of truth and Plato's Parmenides / translated with an introduction and a running commentary by Francis MacDonald Cornford
Philosophy, Ancient -- Influence -- Indexes : Cumulative index to Kierkegaard research : sources, reception and resources. Tome III, Index of subjects overview of the articles in the series / Katalin Nun Stewart