Poland Hegemony Podlasie (Region) Case studies : The memory politics of the cursed soldiers in Poland : authoritarian nationalism, hegemony and emotions / Krzysztof Jaskułowski, and Piotr Majewski
Poland Heretics History : Jews and heretics in Catholic Poland : a beleagured church in the post-Reformation era / Magda Teter
Poland High speed trains : High-speed rail in Poland : advances and perspectives / editor: Andrzej Zurkowski
Poland Higher education and state : The dispositif of the university reform : higher education policy discourse in Poland / Helena Ostrowicka, Justyna Spychalska-Stasiak and Łukasz Stankiewicz
Poland Historical films Political aspects : Contested interpretations of the past in Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian film : screen as battlefield / edited by, Sander Brouwer
Poland -- History -- 18th century -- Fiction : The books of Jacob : or: A fantastic journey across seven borders, five languages, and three major religions, not counting the minor sects / Olga Tokarczuk ; translated by Jennifer Croft ; [map by Meighan Cavanaugh]
Poland -- History -- 1918-1945 -- Fiction : The people of Godlbozhits / Leyb Rashkin ; translated from the Yiddish by Jordan Finkin ; with an introduction by David Rechter