Political campaigns -- Australia -- Periodicals. : Campaign advertising by Australian government departments and agencies : half year report ... / Department of Finance and Deregulation, Asset Management Group
Political campaigns -- Bhutan : Shooting for democracy / directed by Michael Rogers and Meghan Shea ; produced by Meghan Shea and Persistent Productions
Political campaigns -- Brazil -- Rio de Janeiro : Sementes : mulheres pretas no poder = Seeds : black women to the front / realização, Noix Cultura ; un filme de Éthel Oliveira e Júlia Mariano ; produção, Carolina Mazzi, Clara Alves, Éthel Oliveira, Julia Araújo, Julia Rocha, Juliano Almeida, Rafaela Miranda Rocha, Valentina Homem
Political campaigns -- Early works to 1800 : How to win an election : an ancient guide for modern politicians / Quintus Tullius Cicero ; translated and with an introduction by Philip Freeman
Political campaigns -- East Asia : Political parties and electoral strategy : the development of party organization in East Asia / Olli Hellmann
Here are entered general works on the collection and disbursement of campaign funds. Works on the costs of administering elections, e.g. capital expenditures for voting machines, personnel costs for election day workers, etc. are entered under Elections--Costs
Political campaigns -- Georgia -- Case studies : How and why Black women are elected to political office : a narrative analysis of nine cases in the state of Georgia / Dionne Rosser-Mims ; with a foreword by Juanita Johnson-Bailey