Here are entered general works on the collection and disbursement of campaign funds. Works on the costs of administering elections, e.g. capital expenditures for voting machines, personnel costs for election day workers, etc. are entered under Elections--Costs
Political campaigns -- Georgia -- Case studies : How and why Black women are elected to political office : a narrative analysis of nine cases in the state of Georgia / Dionne Rosser-Mims ; with a foreword by Juanita Johnson-Bailey
Political campaigns -- Germany : Vernetzte Bilder Münzen Als Kommunikationsmittel Im Kontext der Dynamik der Macht Im Westlichen Mittelmeerraum, Ca. 500-100 V. Chr
Political campaigns -- Indonesia : Electoral dynamics in Indonesia : money politics, patronage and clientelism at the grassroots / edited by Edward Aspinall and Mada Sukmajati
Political campaigns -- Law and legislation -- Ohio -- Cases : In the Supreme Court of the United States, Susan B. Anthony List, et al., petitioners, v. Steven Driehaus, et al., respondents : on writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit : brief amicus curiae of Citizens United, Citizens United Foundation, U.S. Justice Foundation, Free Speech Coalition, Free Speech Defense and Education Fund, Gun Owners of America, Inc., Gun Owners Foundation [and 9 others] in support of petitioners / Herbert W. Titus [and 5 others]
Political campaigns -- Law and legislation -- United States -- States -- Cases : In the Supreme Court of the United States, Susan B. Anthony List, et al., petitioners, v. Steven Driehaus, et al., respondents : on writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit : brief amicus curiae of Citizens United, Citizens United Foundation, U.S. Justice Foundation, Free Speech Coalition, Free Speech Defense and Education Fund, Gun Owners of America, Inc., Gun Owners Foundation [and 9 others] in support of petitioners / Herbert W. Titus [and 5 others]
Political campaigns -- Manitoba : Disengaged? : fixed date, democracy, and understanding the 2011 Manitoba election / [edited by] Andrea D. Rounce and Jared J. Wesley
Political campaigns -- Maryland -- Frederick : The sherriff / a Fine Point Films production with Below the Radar ; producers, Trevor Birney, Michael Fanning ; directed by Grace Sweeney
Political campaigns -- Mississippi : A Republican's lament : Mississippi needs good government conservatives / Bill Crawford ; foreword by Lloyd Gray, C. D. Smith
Political campaigns -- Mongolia : A thousand steps to parliament : constructing electable women in Mongolia / Manduhai Buyandelger
Political campaigns -- New Jersey -- Bogota : Anytown, U.S.A. / a Sirk Production ; a film by Kristian Fraga and Juan Dominguez ; directed by Kristian Fraga ; produced by John L. Sikes, Juan Dominguez, and Michael Bridenstine
Political campaigns -- New Zealand : Political marketing and management in the 2020 New Zealand general election / Edward Elder, Jennifer Lees-Marshment, editors
Political campaigns -- Palestine : Public opinion and political response in Palestine : leadership, campaigns and elections since Arafat / Erika Schwarze