Porous materials -- Elastic properties : Nonlinear elasticity and hysteresis : fluid-solid coupling in porous media / edited by H. Alicia Kim and Robert A. Guyer
Porous materials -- Environmental aspects : Porous materials : theory and its application for environmental remediation / Juan Carlos Moreno-Piraján, Liliana Giraldo-Gutierrez, Fernando Gomez-Granados, editors
Porous materials -- Mathematical models -- Congresses : Proceedings of the international conference Porous Media: Physics, Models, Simulation : Moscow, Russia, 19-21 November 1997 / editors A. Dmitrievsky, M. Panfilov
Porous materials -- Microstructure -- Computer simulation : Tortuosity and microstructure effects in porous media : classical theories, empirical data and modern methods / Lorenz Holzer, Philip Marmet, Mathias Fingerle, Andreas Wiegmann, Matthias Neumann, Volker Schmidt
Porous materials -- Microstructure -- Mathematical models : Tortuosity and microstructure effects in porous media : classical theories, empirical data and modern methods / Lorenz Holzer, Philip Marmet, Mathias Fingerle, Andreas Wiegmann, Matthias Neumann, Volker Schmidt
Porous materials -- Permeability -- Mathematical models -- Congresses : Fluid flow and transport in porous media : mathematical and numerical treatment : proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Fluid Flow and Transport in Porous Media, Mathematical and Numerical Treatment, June 17-21, 2001, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts / Zhangxin Chen, Richard E. Ewing, editors